2023 VNA Bag Delivery
VNA bags are delivered!
In community, our joy expands. When we can’t rejoice, we can carry each other’s joy. That is what Elizabeth and Mary do for each other. The good news begins to take shape in Elizabeth’s womb, but scripture tells us that she stays secluded, hiding her pregnancy from others—that is, until Mary arrives at her door,…
Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) gift bags are ready to be delivered to the Niagara County VNA this morning. The VNA will distribute them to their clients. This is only a portion of the bags! Thank you to all that filled a bag!
This first Sunday of advent we decorated the church and were reminded that in Jesus we find our hope! Decorating together is one of our favorite traditions. What is yours?
As Advent begins, what weariness do you carry—in your body and soul? What does it look like for you to rejoice when you are weary? When have you welcomed joy while simultaneously feeling anxious, afraid, alone, sad, or overwhelmed? @sanctifiedart
We are hosting “The Grinch” tonight! Complete with pizza, homemade hot chocolate and popcorn!
Today we made Fall surprises for our members who are unable to come to church at this time. Sending them love and God’s blessings tis autumn.
Not everyone had on Bills gear today at church but Pastor had to get a picture of those who did! Thank you to those who helped with today’s “tailgate.” It was a wonderful time of fellowship!
Celebrating “God’s Work, Our Hands” Day along with Rally Day! Such a fun event! #GodsWorkOurHands
Fun times at the Good Shepherd Fall Vendor Event!